Dia­mona & Harnisch
is mak­ing a statement
in upmar­ket living

is set­ting a strong sig­nal in upmar­ket living.

The draft design by Bren­ner / Krohm Architek­ten is inspired by the urban envi­ron­ment of the quar­ter around Sav­i­gny­platz with its Belle Époque char­ac­ter. At the same time,
SCHLÜTER18 con­tin­ues the time-hon­oured domes­tic cul­ture in the neigh­bour­hoods around Kur­fürs­ten­damm. Its archi­tec­ture, while liv­ing up to high-end stan­dards, delib­er­ate­ly strikes a sub­dued note. The result­ing design radi­ates time­less ele­gance inside and out.

Accord­ing­ly, the town­house at Schlüter­strasse 18 blends har­mo­nious­ly with the his­tor­i­cal­ly grown urban and archi­tec­tur­al struc­ture of this pop­u­lar down­town quar­ter. The clear­ly struc­tured façade with its high-end sur­faces of ren­der and brick bestows a spe­cial char­ac­ter on the build­ing. The same spir­it con­tin­ues on the inside in the vari­ety of floor plans and sizes and in the view the dwellings have of their urban set­ting and the pri­vate court­yard garden.

ded by
bright light*

All of the 13 dwellings let you start your day in the bright light of morning.

* Sun’s posi­tion in June. The sim­u­la­tion is only a rough guide and may dif­fer from reality.

Nutzfläche: qm / Wohnfläche: qm
Zimmer: / Etage:

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